Tuesday, January 27, 2009

2009 Sex Bingo

League Play Rules

1. 2009 Sex Bingo is played on the honor system...it's a gentleman's game.
2. The game is not retroactive. Only sex from the outset of the game (the passing out of cards) forward counts.
3. The same girl can count for more than one square except in the case of rule 3b.
3b.- The same girl cannot count for two squares if that girl gives you a bingo. i.e. if you have a high school girl, a 200 lbs. +, and an asian, you cannot complete your bingo with a brunette teacher. You could have sex with a teacher, but would still need a brunette to complete the BINGO.
3c.- Rule 3b is nullified if you complete an entire row at one time. So, if you have sex with a Black, 23 year old, taller than you, stripper, that would be a BINGO.
4. Upon completion of a BINGO, you must immediately yell, BINGO!!!, or the BINGO does not count.
5. A championship belt will be awarded to the first person who completes a successful BINGO, within the rules. This belt is retained until another player successfully completes a BINGO, at which point the belt is passed. Upon completion of a bingo, your card is cleared and you start over.

Let the games begin.